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The Freedom to Create

The Faith K Group is an inspiringly-talented group who has dedicated themselves to music and performing, led by saxophonist Faith Krausman. Through their unforgettable live performances and impeccable studio recordings, they have honed their technical capabilities and sound to form one unstoppable force in the jazz and Brazilian music world. Find out more about their appearances below.


Born To Play


     Faith leads The Faith K Group, playing standards, originals, and some funk. She also leads a band called Confianca, the Portuguese term for faith and trust. She has also performed in Moment’s Notice. 

     Her bands play at various venues, including hotels, restaurants, and jazz spaces. At times they have a member of the audience who sits in with them, such as the guitarist’s mother who is a well-known jazz singer. Faith feels this enriches the band, by introducing other voices to the mix. 

     The Faith K Group is now concentrating on the sound track of The Eddy, a recent Netflix series that combines a murder mystery with a jazz club and its band, in a lesser known arrondissement of Paris.

      As a wife, mother, global citizen and veterinarian, who would think to add jazz saxophonist to her resume? But Faith K is exactly that. She has been playing saxophone since she was 15, after starting on piano at age 4, violin at 9, and then clarinet at age 11. She has studied with many teachers, but Mr. Fitzgerald -- AKA Fitzi -- her first sax teacher, was the most influential. He taught her syncopation, how to play what she heard, and started her on the path to jazz. All of her later teachers, from Rich Reiter to Laura Dreyer, from Phil Woods to Chase Baird, from Tim Price to Lee Konitz and from Aaron Goldberg to Mike Lee, also helped her on this journey. 

     Growing up in a musical home helped as well. Faith’s father, who passed away when she was only six, was a music buff, always recording Broadway shows and classical music. Her Mom is a pianist and was always playing Chopin and giving piano lessons at their home. She is still playing Chopin and giving piano lessons, so some things never change. 

     Faith attended several jazz camps such as SUNY Binghamton, William Paterson University, and Inside Outside Saxophone retreat, where she learned a lot about nature as well as music.

     Years later, here Faith is, yearning for a place to play music. She has a lot to say, and wants to give her creativity to the universe.

     The Faith K Group is also working on a number of more obscure Brazilian tunes, such as "Os Grillos," "Preciso Apprender a Ser So," and "Falsa Baiana." The group has been studying with Brazilian teachers who are helping them get the rhythms down. 

     Faith is always trying to grow and learn. That is why after many years of practicing veterinary medicine and doing her music on the side, she took a career leap and decided to embark on a formal jazz education. This, she hopes, will augment what she already knows, and will help her establish a presence in the jazz world. After all, it is smaller than you think. 

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